Marja Perren

Marja Perren was born in Toronto, Canada to refugee parents who escaped Macedonia while under communist rule in the former Yugoslavia. Both her maternal grandfather and father lived in a refugee camp in Greece for two years and one year respectively before setting sail to freedom in Canada. She was raised in a home filled with family, music and culture, where visitors were always made welcome. As a child, she loved the world of storytelling. Her fondest memories are of being in a magical world, performing her own characters in front of her grandmother, her biggest fan, and listening to her tales of the old world.

So intrigued by these stories, writing became a constant passion, from poetry during Marja’s peewee years, to journaling in her teens, to creating children’s tales of her own as an adult. The inception of Dasha Flash is a direct reflection of her upbringing. Remembering the kind hospitality during her childhood and the creative environment surrounding her inspired her to blend the two together.

As a certified mindfulness teacher and practitioner, Marja applies this philosophy in all elements of life including working with children. She believes that both mindfulness principles and kindness consciousness are the foundational tools to nurturing childrens’ abilities and inspiring in them an openness to art and good deeds. Marja has travelled throughout North America applying these principles and aspires to expand her travel beyond these borders, worldwide!

During her undergraduate studies at Toronto Metropolitan University, she was the recipient of the Outstanding Student Award, presented by the Broadcast Research Council. Marja continued her studies at the University of California, with a concentration in creative writing. Shortly after, studying film production and performing arts at prominent institutes in Los Angeles, including the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, Larry Moss and the Jeffrey Marcus Acting Studio. Her creative career has taken her from front of camera, to the stage, to behind the scenes as director and producer.

To Marja, Dasha Flash is an icon representing the impact that creativity can have not only on the learning ability of children but also on the development of their values. This belief is strongly reflected in the storytelling of the Dasha Flash book series and in the Dasha Flash Foundation’s mission.

Marja loves to share her time between her hometown, Toronto, Ontario and Southern California, particularly with an interest in traveling south during those grizzly cold winter days!