Get Involved

The Dasha Flash Foundation operates with your support. We believe acts of kindness are fundamental to nurturing our communities. Our events and art + education initiatives inspire a core understanding in the importance of doing good deeds by taking action. They also recognize the heroes in our society.

Your contribution fosters the longevity of our mission. We also believe that your act of kindness deserves notice too. Your support will always be recognized on our Wall of Kindness webpage.

Monetary Gifts

Assist us in carrying out planned acts of kindness events and in organizing our arts and education initiatives.

Becoming a Sponsor

Provides an opportunity to improve the well being of the community with altruistic contributions.

Product or Service / Volunteer

Your Gift of a Product or Service provides us with the expertise and the essential tools and materials to build a successful event or activity.

Your Gift of Time as a volunteer helps with planning and implementation of  our upcoming events.

Be kind. Act now. Please donate.